Alamo Heights Junior School provides opportunities for academic
excellence for all students, supporting education through a variety of
competitions and extra-curricular and co-curricular activities that
reinforce classroom instruction. Student achievements include: placing
in the top five of the Texas State Junior Classical League Competition;
earning 1st at regionals and 1st at state, advancing to Globals, to earn
7th place honors at the Global Destination Imagination competition;
earning medals for excellence in the National Latin Exam, garnering
academic recognition through the Duke Talent Identification Program;
earning numerous honors for the school's band strings and choral
programs, academic clubs and sports programs.
The teaching team at Alamo Heights Junior School is frequently
honored through a variety of internal and external honors and awards to
include: Region 20 ESC Teacher of the Year, Trinity Prize for Excellence
in Teaching, Spotlight on Excellence, Spotlight on Engagement, Alamo
Heights School Foundation Innovative Education Grants, H-E-B Excellence
in Education honors, San Antonio Mayoral and County Judge Outstanding
Science & Math Teacher Awards, KENS 5 and SACU ExCEL Golden Apple
Award and Alamo Heights Rotary Teacher of Excellence honor, to name a